The Restaurant Email Marketing Guide: Steps, Strategies and Infographic

The Restaurant Email Marketing Guide: Steps, Strategies and Infographic

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Email marketing for restaurants focuses on reaching customers directly through their inboxes. Unlike traditional advertising, restaurant email marketing offers a personalized touch, allowing restaurants to communicate tailored messages, promotions, and updates to their audience.

In this blog, we’ll touch on some of the benefits of email marketing for restaurants, how to grow your restaurant’s email list and of course how to launch a successful email marketing strategy.

The Benefits of Email Marketing for Restaurants

With the range of marketing channels available, restaurant email marketing stands out as a powerful tool, offering a variety of benefits. 

Direct Engagement with Customers

One of the most significant benefits of email marketing for restaurants is the direct line of communication it establishes with customers. Unlike social media, where your message can get lost in a sea of content, emails land directly in a subscriber's inbox. This direct engagement allows restaurants to foster and nurture relationships with both new and loyal customers. Whether it's a personalized birthday offer or a simple thank-you note for dining with you, these small gestures can go a long way in building lasting customer relationships.

High ROI

Email marketing is known for its impressive return on investment (ROI). For restaurants, this means that with a well-crafted email campaign, the cost of acquiring or retaining a customer is significantly lower compared to other marketing channels. Whether you're promoting a new menu item or offering a special discount, the financial benefits of email marketing are undeniable.


The beauty of restaurant email marketing lies in its ability to be tailored to individual preferences. With the right tools, restaurants can segment their email list based on various criteria, such as dining frequency or past orders. This level of personalization ensures that your messages resonate with the recipient. Imagine sending a vegetarian subscriber an exclusive offer on your new plant-based dish – the chances of them being interested in the offer are significantly higher due to the personalized touch.

Feedback and Insights

Email campaigns are not just about sending messages; they're also about listening. By incorporating feedback forms, surveys, or simply a call-to-action for reviews, restaurants can gather invaluable insights directly from their customers. This feedback can guide menu changes, service improvements, and even the design of future marketing campaigns.

Keeping Customers in the Loop

Launching a new seasonal menu? Hosting a live special event? Or simply offering a mid-week discount? Email marketing provides a direct channel to inform your subscribers about the latest happenings at your restaurant. The immediacy of email ensures that your customers are always in the know, increasing the likelihood of them engaging with your promotions and announcements.

How to Build a Restaurant Email List

Ultimately, the success of email marketing hinges on your restaurant email list. This list is made up of subscribers who have shown interest in your establishment and have opted to receive communications from you. By nurturing this list and delivering value consistently, restaurants can create loyalty, drive repeat business, and build a strong community around their brand. Here are some ideas on how to effectively build a restaurant email list.

Encouraging Diners to Subscribe During Their Visit

One of the most straightforward ways to grow your restaurant’s email list is by leveraging the foot traffic your restaurant already receives. One strategy is to incorporate an email field in feedback or comment cards. This simple addition allows customers to easily opt-in for future communications, ensuring they stay connected with your restaurant's latest offerings and news. 

Another innovative approach is the use of QR codes or direct links placed on dining tables. Customers can simply scan the QR code with their smartphones, leading them to a sign-up page. 

With the rise of in-person ordering technology, self-ordering kiosks present another excellent opportunity. Cuboh Kiosks are able to collect contact information such as email addresses and phone numbers, providing yet another touchpoint to expand your restaurant's contact list.

Utilizing Online Channels to Gather Email Addresses

Online Channels offer a wide range of opportunities to expand your restaurant's email database. One effective method is the implementation of pop-ups on your restaurant's website. By offering visitors a special discount or a freebie in exchange for their email, you can incentivize sign-ups and grow your subscriber base. 

Social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, provide another avenue. By running targeted campaigns that promote exclusive deals for subscribers, you can tap into your existing follower base and encourage them to join your email list. 

Additionally, when customers reserve a table online, integrating an opt-in checkbox for email subscriptions can seamlessly capture their details. Additionally, if you have your own online ordering system, as customers place their orders, integrating email collection at the checkout phase can be highly effective. Not only does this provide a direct channel for future promotions, but it also enhances the overall customer experience by offering personalized recommendations and deals based on their ordering history.

How to Launch a Restaurant Email Marketing Strategy

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

It's crucial to have a clear understanding of what you aim to achieve. Start by determining the primary goals of your restaurant's email marketing campaign. Are you looking to retain existing customers and keep them coming back? Perhaps you want to promote offers, special events, or new menu items. Feedback collection can also be invaluable, providing insights into areas of improvement. Additionally, driving reservations, especially during off-peak times, can be a significant objective. By defining clear goals from the beginning, you can tailor your strategy to meet these specific objectives.

Step 2: Build and Segment Your Email List

Your email marketing list is the backbone of this strategy. If you already have an existing email list, start by importing it into your chosen platform. However, building an email list is an ongoing process. As you gather more subscribers, it's essential to segment them based on specific criteria. For example, you might categorize subscribers based on the frequency of their visits – are they regulars, or have they only dined with you once? Other segmentation criteria can include menu preferences, demographics, or even the type of reservations they typically make (family dinners, business lunches, or romantic evenings). By segmenting your list, you can send more targeted and relevant emails, increasing the chances of engagement and positive responses.

Step 3: Design Your Campaign

With your objectives clear and your email list in place, it's time to craft your marketing emails. The layout plays an important role in capturing the attention of your subscribers. Start by selecting a simple template that mirrors your restaurant's branding.

The content of the email is just as important. Craft compelling subject lines that create curiosity and encourage the recipient to open the email. Visuals, such as high-quality images of your dishes or the restaurant's interior, can work wonders. Remember, people eat with their eyes first, so tantalizing photos can drive reservations. Complement these visuals with concise and engaging written copy. Lastly, ensure that your Call To Action (CTA) buttons are prominent. Whether you're inviting subscribers to book a table, view a new menu, or take advantage of a special offer, the CTA should be clear and compelling.

Step 4: Personalize and Target Your Emails

Personalization is the key to standing out in crowded inboxes. Utilize the segmentation you established to tailor your messages. For instance, if you have a segment of subscribers who frequently order vegetarian dishes, you might send them an email about a new plant-based menu addition.

Beyond segmentation, individual personalization can elevate your emails further. Implement personalization to address subscribers by their first name. Referencing past interactions, like thanking them for dining with you last month or asking for feedback on a recent reservation, can also make emails feel more personal and relevant. 

Step 5: Schedule and Automate

Consistency is key when it comes to email marketing for restaurants. Decide on the frequency of your marketing emails – whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. It's essential to strike a balance; you want to remain top-of-mind without overwhelming or annoying your subscribers. Use scheduling tools within your email marketing platform to plan and automate your campaigns, ensuring they're sent at optimal times for your audience.

If you’re able, you can set up automated sequences for specific triggers to enhance the subscriber experience. For instance, a new subscriber could receive a welcome email introducing them to your restaurant, followed by a special discount on their first reservation. Similarly, automated emails can be sent out for birthdays, offering a complimentary dessert or drink, making your customers feel valued and special..

Step 6: Monitor, Analyze, and Optimize

To truly harness the power of restaurant email marketing, it's crucial to monitor and analyze the performance of your campaigns. Track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. These metrics provide insights into what's resonating with your audience and what's not.

Use these insights to refine your future campaigns. For instance, if a particular subject line results in a high open rate, consider using similar phrasing in future emails. Regularly analyzing and optimizing ensures that your restaurant's email marketing strategy remains dynamic, adapting to the preferences and behaviours of your subscribers.

How To Launch A Restaurant Email Marketing Strategy Infographic

Grow Orders, Save Time & Eliminate Tablet Chaos

Integrate your delivery apps and online orders with your POS and consolidate them into a single tablet. Helping you reduce order issues, grow your sales, and eliminate delivery headaches.

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